Your dreams don’t have to stay the same.
They can evolve or change completely.
It’s ok to find passion in a different path
Than you expected.
This year can be different.
It doesn’t matter if you give your all
To this new dream and see nothing in return.
At least you won’t have regrets
About not putting yourself out there.
You would have tried.
In case you didn’t know,
It’s not easy pursuing dreams.
You will get tired and discouraged
When there are only the sound of crickets
After time, money and energy are spent.
But you must go on.
You will go on.
For almost 20 years, I wanted to be a fashion designer and start my own clothing line. After many years of working in the fashion industry, I realized that dream just wasn’t for me. I realized there was one thing that hadn’t changed since I was a child. My love of drawing and painting. I always found myself coming back to it time and time again over the last 13 years and finally, I’ve decided to give it my full attention and love. It will no longer just be a hobby or something to do when I’m not working. I will keep doing art as long as my eyes can see and my hands can hold a paintbrush 😊. This is my new dream and even if it takes a long time to see fruit from it, I will keep moving forward. I hope you will too. What new dreams are you pursuing this year?
A new season is coming and I hope you will all be there to continue to show love and support on this journey. I am grateful for your words and appreciation of my work over the years. I hope I can continue to inspire and encourage you through the work that I do. It is a pleasure 🙂.
Happy New Year to you!
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All works are Copyright (c) 2023 Simone Elum. All rights reserved. Any illegal reproduction of artwork and photographs will result in immediate legal action.