I have come a long way on the Watercolor Journey. From starting off in June 2018 with a  Skillshare class by Jessica Durant and student quality watercolor paints from college to doing a month long Watercolor challenge in July, to now learning Color theory and Color mixing all over again from Kateri Ewing’s watercolor class on bluprint.com. I had been avoiding putting in the work to do all of the color mixing chart homework.

Maybe I thought it wouldn’t be fun, it would be too much wasted Daniel Smith paints or it would take too much time. Then finally, I heard that still small voice telling me to “be faithful with little” and use what I had in my hands. I couldn’t quite commit financially to taking  part-time or full time art classes so one online course, a set of 6 primary watercolor paint tubes, cold press paper and paint brushes was the “little” that I needed to be faithful with right now.   

I started on Sunday and was quite surprised at the color combinations that made really beautiful colors and how mesmerizing it was mixing them together. Then, by some strange turn of events, I didn’t have to go to work the next day, so after my customary cup of tea, I continued making color charts.  It was a wonderful day.  I had finally accomplished this one task that seemed so tedious. Now I feel so much more informed and interested in color combinations and getting just the right chemistry of colors to make my paintings cohesive. Lesson learnt: Don’t put off learning something new, maybe you’ll enjoy it and it will inspire you to make more art, like it inspired me. Join me this Watercolor month as I explore color combos and take a break from my usual monochromatic paintings!

All works are Copyright (c) 2023 Simone Elum. All rights reserved. Any illegal reproduction of artwork and photographs will result in immediate legal action.
