Bows and hats and gloves. Oh My! Check out the five new pieces available now in the October Emerging Artist Show with The Scouted Studio, an online art gallery. This small original series of black and white figures were inspired by Vintage Fashions of the...
How I deal with ‘Artist Block’
I do believe that when we experience artists’ block or a lack of inspiration or energy to create, it’s usually a sign that it’s time to take a break or have some downtime. I think it’s a time to reassess your artist goals; review the work you’ve done and determine what’s working for you and what’s not.
Mother’s Day Group Show
I have exciting news!! I am so honored to have eight (8) original pieces available for sale through Liza Pruitt, an online art gallery! These Pink Haute Couture-inspired pieces will be part of their Annual Mother's Day Group...
God knew when you rose And when you fell He saw your tears and Kept a record of each. God's love is boundless And even death could not Separate you from his love. You were fearfully and wonderfully Made by God. He knew you when you were being Made in secret In your...
Waiting in Faith
Looking through another artist's social media profile, I saw the gradual progression of her work over the years and I thought, maybe I should look back over the last decade and see how far I’ve come in my art journey. Back in 2010, I used to do pencil...
Spotlight on Art Artist Market 2023
It is an honor to be invited to participate in the "Spotlight on Art" Atlanta artist market from January 30th - February 4th! Hosted by Trinity School in Atlanta, Spotlight on Art is the largest Artist market in the Southeast for both avid art collectors and casual...
So, I started a YouTube Channel!
Yes, that's right! Your girl decided to start (or restart) my YouTube channel this year! It was always something I wanted to do to share my process with you! I will be sharing all types of art that I do including drawing, painting, and digital art with my Wacom...